A Memorable Mother’s Day Celebration


Guest speaker, Rev Daniel Ong, sharing the Word

A lovely Mother’s Day service on May 8, 2022, to bless the mothers.

That morning the ambience inside the worship hall was different from usual. Why? Little boys and girls were busy distributing cute little gifts to the mothers who were seated. For the first time after two years, the elderly residents from AWWA (Asian Women’s Welfare Association) Home also joined us on this special Sunday service. It was Mother’s Day! A short video clip named “A Mother’s Prayer” was featured to commemorate this occasion. It was a very touching video clip about a mother’s wish for her child to grow happily and healthily. All the mothers in our midst also went up to be prayed for.

The guest speaker was Rev Daniel Ong from International Christian Centre in Seattle, together with his wife, Ps Connie Seaward, the author of the book, ‘Margaret in Singapore’.

Rev Ong’s sermon topic was ‘Follow God Wholeheartedly’. He began with Mark 12:30 and Numbers 14:24, and elaborated by preaching about a man that followed God wholeheartedly (Joshua 14:8-9, Luke 9:23 and 1 Corinthians 15:31). He went on to talk about what it means to follow God wholeheartedly. There were five points in his sermon outline 1) Without question or total obedience; 2) Sincere heart or without any other motives; 3) Trust in the Lord; 4) Fix your eyes on Jesus and 5) Never give up!!

The takeaways from the sermon for me is to learn to give everything to God and die to yourself. I should sacrifice anything for the will of God. Many a time, I tend to look at my own desires and see how I can satisfy it, but here we have to die to self and forgo the selfish desires of our own and do God’s will. Indeed, it is very challenging to accomplish that. However, we do it with the help of the Holy Spirit. Indeed, it is and it will be the Holy Spirit who helps us to follow God wholeheartedly. He will help us to be willing to give up for Jesus. As I follow God wholeheartedly, I need to have total trust in the Lord. Testing and trials will come but they are there in order for me to grow. I need to fix my eyes on Jesus as I continue to learn to follow Him wholeheartedly.

After service, Ps Connie Seaward also took the opportunity to autograph for her books from those who have purchased them. What a blessed Mother’s Day!

This article was written by Bro Adam Peh, The People’s Church and also appeared in AG times on 18 August 2022.