Back to Church! (Updated 3 December 2021)

15 May 2020
Due to the resurgence of COVID-19 community cases over the last 2 weeks, the rest of our services for May and June will be streamed online in our usual closed Facebook Group. Prayer will commence at 10.20am and worship at 10.30am.
More instructions on how to join the online service will be shared in church private channels. If you have not managed to join the online service, please do ask around.
We will be monitoring the situation closely and provide further updates by end May. Stay safe and have a blessed weekend!
We will be having Rev. Dr. Margaret Seaward preach to us during our Good Friday Service on 2nd April 2021, 1030am and Resurrection Sunday Service on 4th April 2021, 1030am.
There is no service on 3rd April 2021.
Due to COVID-19 safe distancing measures, entry is strictly by registration only. Please note that this is a physical service.
Please WhatsApp your registration to 86927720 for each day’s session.