Resident Pastors
- Senior Pastor, Reverend Patrick Cheong Biography
Senior Pastor, Rev Patrick Cheong is a man who loves God’s word and has more than 19 years of experience in God’s ministry, having served as a ministry worker since 1997. He graduated with a Bachelor’s Degree from Asia Theological Centre of Evangelism & Missions. In the early days, Rev Patrick served as a Sunday School Superintendent and Pastor under the leadership of Reverend Dr. Fred & Margaret Seaward before leading The People’s Church to autonomy, as a Senior Pastor in 2008. He was ordained in 2014 by the Assemblies of God.After experiencing a near death encounter in 1992, Rev Patrick experienced God’s goodness, and his life was transformed as he walked in faith with the Lord. A faithful leader with a servant’s heart, he has a desire to see lives transformed through the preaching of the gospel. Besides preaching God’s word, he provides pastoral guidance, mentoring, relating to people from all walks of life. He also trains and equips leaders in the church to greater heights in the ministries that God has called them to.He is married to Pastor Lillian Cheong, and they have three children, Pastor Clement, Shermaine and Abigail who are actively serving in the church in various ministries. Pastor Clement now serves as a Worship Leader and a Pastor in the Youth ministry. Shermaine serves as the Sunday School Superintendent in the God’s Army Children’s ministry. Abigail is a worship leader and also plays an active role in all of the church’s ministry. Rev Patrick’s lifetime commitment is to see that the lives of his members seek only God’s heart and be transformed by the grace and goodness of God, fulfilling God’s destiny for their lives and glorifying Him as they serve the Lord wholeheartedly. On Christ the solid Rock we stand!
- Pastor Clement Cheong Biography
- Pastor Lillian Cheong-Goh Biography
A devoted wife to Senior Pastor Patrick and a loving mother to her children, Pastor Lillian believes in serving God in any capacity that He has called her to. Having experienced and tasted God’s grace and goodness in her life, she wants the same for others and seeing them fulfil their destiny in Christ. She is currently assisting the church in administrative duties and has committed herself to serve the Lord faithfully alongside with her husband in the ministry. To God Be the Glory!
Spiritual Mentors
- Reverend Dr. Fred Seaward (1930-2019) Biography
Rev. Dr. Fred O. Seaward pastored Elim Church in Singapore for over 19 years together with his wife, Rev. Dr. Margaret Seaward. He was the Senior Pastor of the Church. They are ordained ministers of the Assemblies of God, Singapore and U.S.A. and have pioneered several churches in Singapore and Malaysia. Throughout the years, Rev. Fred has spoken and preached at Churches, Christian Organizations, Bible Schools, Seminars and Conventions in Singapore, Australia, Europe, Africa, America and other parts of the world. He is a well known preacher and evangelist. He came to Singapore in 1955 and served the Lord faithfully. He was promoted to glory on 6 October 2019.
- Reverend Dr. Margaret Seaward Biography
Rev. Dr. Margaret Seaward pastored Elim Church in Singapore for over 19 years together with her husband, the late Rev. Dr. Fred O. Seaward, who was the Senior Pastor of the Church. They are ordained ministers of the Assemblies of God, Singapore and U.S.A. and have pioneered several churches in Singapore and Malaysia. Throughout the years, Rev. Margaret has spoken, preached and taught at Churches, Christian Organizations, Bible Schools, Seminars and Conventions in Singapore, Australia, Europe, Africa, America and other parts of the world. She is a well known and a gifted preacher, teacher and evangelist. Presently, she teaches regularly at the Asia Theological Centre for Evangelism and Missions. She also teaches at Tung Ling Bible School. Born of missionary parents in China, Rev. Dr. Margaret Seaward was a Prisoner of War with her family for 2 years and was imprisoned in a concentration camp in China for six (6) months during the Second World War. She and her family returned to America in the 2nd Prisoners of War exchange between Japan and America. She came to Singapore in 1955, and has been serving the Lord here since then.
Apostolic Elders
- Reverend Daniel Ong Biography
Pastors Daniel and Connie Ong have been missionaries for more than 25 years. They have pastored and planted churches for Victory Family Center, Singapore ( They have also planted churches in India, Scotland, East Malaysia and Japan. They were the Pastors of Victory Christian Center in Urayasu, Japan for seven years ( After leaving Japan, they were sent by Elim Church Singapore ( to plant a work in Ghana. They stayed in Ghana for eleven years and were involved in planting local churches and ministries. During their last six years in Ghana, they planted and were the pastors of Elim International Family church in Accra, Ghana ( Elim International Family church has sent them to Renton, Washington to plant a likeminded church. They know God has called them to plant a church where people from every tribe, nation and culture will come together and glorify God. Pastors Daniel and Connie have a vision to raise up workers for the harvest field. Biography write-up from International Christian Center.
- Reverend Peter A Misso Biography
In 1998 he relocated to Melbourne, Victoria and continued to serve as the Director of Teen Challenge Melbourne. Rev Peter is an ordained minister with the New Life Evangelical Church Melbourne and serves as the Congregational Pastor for the English Congregation [Youth/Young Adults] simultaneously held the position of Senior Minister of NLE Church. On the 28th February 2017, Rev Peter Misso relinquished all his positions and responsibilities in Church to answer to the call of God to take on a different focus of Ministry. Besides preaching and teaching, Rev. Peter Misso conducts seminars and workshops in the training of Youth and Young adult leaders. He is very passionate about nurturing and mentoring future leaders of the Church. Rev Peter A Misso and his wife Elizabeth Anne have three teenage sons, Leroy 27 years, Shannon 22 years and Jan 20 years and they live in Melbourne, Victoria.
Visiting Pastors
- Reverend Mary Oh
- Reverend Oh Beng Khee
- Reverend Pang Ek Kwan