HeartBeat Youth Ministry presents Youth Chalet on 3rd to 4th September 2022
Humans are social and emotional creatures. The pandemic has shown us the importance of meeting up physically, bonding with one another and enjoying the presence of Christ as one body. As the Bible says in Matthew 18:19–20, “For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.”
Hence, the HeartBeat Youth Ministry is proud to present the Youth Chalet 2022. Yes, in case you’re wondering, IT IS an old school chalet gathering where we have fun chatting, BBQ-ing and also staying up late (to pray and to bond). It’s also highly subsidised and a no frills outing. We don’t expect you to do anything complex or draining. Except maybe the age old problem of starting a fire or just avoid turning the chicken wings to black carbon bits.
Full Logistics and Details:
- Date: 3 Sep – 4 Sep 2022
- Location: Changi CSC Chalet (3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 1 BBQ pit and quite a bit of fun youths)
- Time: TBC, we will inform everyone directly but as with all Chalet outings, it’s likely to be in the afternoon of 3 Sep when we takeover the place.
- Food: There will be a BBQ dinner provided 3 Sep (Saturday evening)
- Cost: $20/pax* (youth) and $25/parents (adult)
- Parents: We understand that some parents might be sending your child to the chalet and since you’ve already travelled all the way to Changi, we would like to extend the invite to these parents of youths for the BBQ dinner. The parents will have a dining area to themselves and can enjoy the BBQ food prepared.
- Important hygiene note: We will make our way to Church together on Sunday morning so do bring a change of clothes and some toiletries (you know the drill).
* Bring a friend for free if conditions are met (yes, please invite your friends for free food and fun). Price remains the same whether you stay over or not. See the picture above.
To sign up:
- Church members to sign up via sign up list at church or contact Sis Abigail or Bro Ivan. You can also sign up for your friends.
- For public, drop us a message or DM us on Instagram @thepeopleschurchsg.