Archives 2020

13 December 2020 Sunday Service with Rev. Alvin Ng

Come join us for our Sunday Service as we have Rev. Alvin Ngo minister to us. 

Date: Sunday, 13 December 2020
Time: 10:30 AM to end of service

Speaker: Rev. Alvin Ngo

Rev. Alvin Ngo’s Profile:

rev pastor alvin ngo

Rev Alvin Ngo has recently retired after 36 years of full-time pastoral ministry to be full-time caregiver to his wife who has dementia.

He preaches at most twice a month. 

He still counsels and mentors others.

He is married to Wai Leng and they have 3 children (Isaac (32), Ivan (29) and Isabel (23). 

29 November 2020 Sunday Service with Rev. Alvin Ngo

Come join us for our Sunday Service as we have Rev. Alvin Ngo minister to us. 

Date: Sunday, 29 November 2020
Time: 10:30 AM to end of service

Speaker: Rev. Alvin Ngo

Rev. Alvin Ngo’s Profile:

rev pastor alvin ngo

Rev Alvin Ngo has recently retired after 36 years of full-time pastoral ministry to be full-time caregiver to his wife who has dementia.

He preaches at most twice a month. 

He still counsels and mentors others.

He is married to Wai Leng and they have 3 children (Isaac (32), Ivan (29) and Isabel (23). 

The People’s Church 12th Anniversary (via Facebook live)

View stream at our Facebook page or view below.

The People’s Church celebrates our 12th anniversary on 2nd of August 2020 and we invite you to join us.

Our church’s Spiritual Mentor Rev. Dr. Margaret Seaward will be preaching to us via a pre-recorded sermon which will be streamed live on our Facebook channel at

Date: 2nd August 2020
Time: 10.20am

There is no registration required and you can tune in live on the day itself.

Happy Mother’s Day 2020

During our service today, we had a special segment in which Ps Lillian who prayed for all our mothers and healthcare workers. She also demonstrated how to use the mothers day gift that all TPC church members (mothers) should have received by now. 

Missed the prayer or the video demonstration? You can view them below 🙂

How to use your Mother’s Day Gift?

Prayer for all mothers and healthcare workers

We would like to take this opportunity to wish all mothers a blessed Mother’s Day! 

New QR code payment method for tithes and offerings to The People’s Church

To facilitate contactless payment during the COVID-19 outbreak, the church has enabled PayNow QR code payment that members can use for giving their tithes and offerings. Note that the contribution goes into the church’s corporate bank account and not to an individual’s bank account so please be assured that this is the official, proper channel. 

To pay through QR code, scan the QR code below with your contactless payment app such as OCBC PayAnyone or DBS PayLah!.

Note: Do not use your camera or QR code app to scan as it may not work due to your payment app not set to default to receive the QR code.paynow

Thank you for your generous giving!

Online Church Services (27 March 2020)

27 March 2020

We refer to the latest press releases by Ministry of Health (MOH) as of 27 March 2020 (See

Church services will be held online as gatherings outside school and work should be limited to 10 or fewer individuals.

More instructions on how to join the online service will be shared in church private channels. If you have not managed to join the online service, please do ask around.

Stay tuned and pray hard!


17 March 2020

We refer to the latest press releases by Ministry of Health (MOH) as of 17 March 2020 (See The below precautionary measures and guidelines will take effect from 17 March 2020.

Church Services

  • Weekly Sunday Service will continue to go on, subject to weekly reviews based on the latest guidelines by MOH on the COVID-19 situation.
  • All other services such as Hokkien Service, Heartbeat Youth Ministry, Prayer & Praise and prayer on first Saturday of the month will temporarily be suspended until further notice.
  • All church leaders are to ensure that precautionary measures are observed during the service and to flag out if there is non-compliance.

Precautionary measures

Stay at home:

  • if you are unwell with cough mild symptoms including a runny nose, sore throat, cough, and fever (37.5 degrees and above).
  • if you are are issued any Quarantine Order (QO), Leave of Absence (LOA) or Stay-Home Notice (SHN) or have close contact with someone that is issued a QO, LOA or SHN.
  • if you have returned from the following countries within the last 14 days or have close contact with someone that had done so: China, France, Germany, Italy, Iran, Republic of Korea, Spain, ASEAN countries (Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam), Japan, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom

Be Responsible

We urge everyone to observe good personal hygiene and be socially responsible:

  • Wash your hands with soap or use hand sanitizer regularly (if possible).
  • Avoid touching your face, sharing food, utensils and personal hygiene items with others.
  • Take your temperature twice a day. Monitor yourself for flu symptoms and seek medical attention immediately if you’re unwell.
  • Wear a mask if you have a cough or runny nose. Please discard of tissue paper responsibly in bins provided.
  • Be socially responsible in and around church and also out of church.
  • Practice social distancing where possible.

The first ever HeartBeat Youth Ministry Worship Night

worship night service

On the 3rd of January 2020, The People’s Church HeartBeat Youth Ministry conducted our very first Worship Night. The Worship night was themed as “Shekinah Glory” and the programme that night was simple – to just come together and worship God in a service which isn’t rushed.

We were heartened to see our youth in deep worship and we ended the service with “prayers in pairs”. The pairs prayed about new year resolutions in 2020. Later on, the youth gathered for pizza and fellowship.

Look our for the next one!