Guest Preaching by Jennifer Pillo, Atara Ramoth Ministry (USA)
Date: 22 April 2018 (Sunday)
Service Time: 1030am to 1pm (estimate)
Medium: English Service
*Mandarin interpretation via earpiece
Short Biography of Atara Ramoth Ministry and Jennifer Pillo
Atara Ramoth Ministry is a US-based Christian Ministry. It was founded in 1985, North Bend, Washington, as a non-profit, tax-exempt organisation that facilitates the Christian Ministries to go forth into all the world to teach the gospel, raise the dead, heal the sick, cast out demons and lay hands on those who desire to be baptised in the Holy Spirit. The Ministry started by helping teenagers that were caught in addictions as well as deprogramming them from the occult – at that time there were no ministries that dealt in the area of deliverance in that region. Jesus did many wonders with the “run-a-ways” and those that were from prison. During this time, Jennifer worked with people that had drug and alcohol problems. She also helped co-found the first faith-based 12 step program that was approved as a deferred sentencing for the state of Washington. The Ministry has been active for the past 33 years and they have been able to share Jesus’ heart with the many nations, tribes. The ministry was active during war periods in Northern Ireland as guests of Pastors Jack and Kathleen McKee to seeing Jesus heal the blind eyes, raise up the paralyzed, heal the brokenhearted and give many hundreds new hope. It had also started an NGO in Tanzania and gave it to its leaders so they to raise money for their nation.